Monday, April 21, 2008


There is a catch 22 when it comes to me and Japan.

I enjoy the place so much that I just want everybody to see and feel what I experienced. Yet, when they do, I become extremely envious and wish I had kept my little mouth shut.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this is going to be one of those moments, but here it goes anyway.

A lovely friend of mine and my brother's arrived in Sydney last week from his hometown, Tokyo, and brought presents a plenty. One of these things was a Furoshiki, also known as a traditional wrapping cloth.

My one looks like this:

And is capable of all these things:

The culture of some countries will never cease to amaze me..


map loving.

I think everyone would read maps a lot more often if they looked like this 1960s Czech city map that I found on the Grain Edit site..

It would definitely soften the blow of getting lost.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

the first {post} is the deepest.

After a week of pure blog-excitement, and countless ideas, I'm actually a little lost for words.

So i might just start with a picture or two.

I stumbled across the artist, Phil Hale, whilst traipsing around my fellow poster's favourite haunt: Kinokuniya bookstore near Town Hall. He has illustrated a series of [amazing] covers for Penguin: this one is Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.

His works just seem to embody everything I love about painting: it looks realistic but there is actually little detail, the lighting and colours are so dramatic and some of his art is close to graphic comic works.

You can see more of his works at
I don't think there is one I don't like.
